Akkarai Subhalakshmi - Violin
J.Vaidyanathan- Mridangam
Song List:(R-Raga Alapana,N-Neraval,S-Kalpanaswaram,T-Tani Avarthanam)
1. varNam- srirAgam - Adi
2. vallabhA nAyakasya - bEgadA- rUpakam - muttuswAmi dIkshitar (S)
3. badalika deera - reethigowLa - Adi - tyAgarajA (R,S)
4. EkAmranAtheshwarENa - caturaNgiNi - Adi - muttuswAmi dIkshitar(R)
5. sarasa sAmadAna - kApi nArAyaNi - Adi - tyAgarajA
6. tanayuni brOva - bhairavi - Adi - tyAgarAjA (R,N,S,T)
7. tuNai purindaruL - varamu - Adi - pApanAsam Sivan
8. RTP - poorvikalyANi - kanta triputa (R,N,S)
"dAsarathE mAm pAlaya dayAnidhe inakula tilaka"
Ragamalika swarams:NAta,kAnadA,mOhanam,KeeravANi,hamsAnandi,hindOLam,kalyANi, valaji,shanmukhapriyA,shankarAbharaNam,vasantA,mOhanakalyANi,bEgadA,surutti.
9. irakkam varAmal - behAg - rUpakam - gOpAlakrishna bhArati
10.jagajjanani - ratipatipriyA - Adi - Ghanam krishna iyer
11. virutham (pAsuram):surutti,neelAmbari,vasantA,sAma,kApi followed by
kannA vA - rAgamAlikA - Adi - ambujam KrishnA
12. ArAr AsaippadAr - nAdanAmakriyA - muthuthAndavar
13. mangaLam
This concert will remain fresh forever in my memory. Still can feel the fragrance of that Bhairavi, the wonder that Chaturangini created, that soukhyam in Reethigowla and that peace in Poorvikalyani. One amazing concert where every song was both pleasing and amazing!
This is one heck of a concert! If there is any tinge of doubt in my mind that Gayathri Girish stands tall as number 1 artist today, my doubts were cleared in this 3.5 hours concert.
It is as if we go to a Restaurant and ask for a snack, and he instead keeps serving you dish after dish as complementary stuff!!! We were served welcome drink (Varnam), soup (Begada - Vallabha), varieties of snacks (Ragam + Swaram in Badalika Teera) , meal (Bhairavi), sweet (Poorvi Kalayani RTP), fruit salad (variety of ragas in Kalpana Sawarams), ice cream (all the viruttam), etc. It was more than a FULL meal. Highly satisfactory full-fledged concert.
The Bhairavi reiterated that only Gayathri Girish can sing like Maharajapuram Santanam. Very steady, smooth flowing and pleasant Bhairavi.
What surprised me consistently especially since last December is the clarity in diction. All the words were crystal clear. How many people pronunce Dasarathe like "thing" or "Thesaurus". Most would sing it as "Dasarade" instead of Dasarathe. It's a wonder how Gayathri Girish manages to make the words so audible and clear. What is the secret to this Madam? I have seen all (not most) other artists fail in this area.
Thanks for sisging Badalike Teera upon my request. It's considered a rare composition in this region and many Vidwans confessed that they did not learn it.
However, I would like to add, I would like to see some more Vilamba Kala Keertanas in your concerts where the role of Mridangam artist is almost minimized.
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